Hire Chat Agents, $0.95/hr.

Deliver an exceptional CX and never miss another chat again.

No obligation • Nothing to pay • 7-Day Free Trial​

Could your site be generating more leads and sales?

Do visitors bounce or abandon their shopping carts?

More leads, more sales and happier customers — that’s what hired chat agents deliver.
We’ll be there for your customers, right when they need you the most — 24×7-365.

No obligation • Nothing to pay • 7-Day Free Trial​

From as little as $0.95 per hour, hire Pro, trained chat agents. Our rates simply can’t be beaten.
No bots with thoughtless answers. We only hire real humans trained to be customer service experts.
Highly qualified leads — that’s what our expert agents can deliver, resulting in better advertising ROI.
We don’t ever close, which means your customers get great service every single day of the year.

Compare the savings …

You can save up to 97% by hiring chat agents


Incredible savings, right?

Full Time

  • 8 hours daily
  • 56 hours weekly
  • 224 hours monthly
  • One-time Setup Fee – $49
  • White Labelling – $39 monthly (optional)
  • no contracts, cancel or downgrade anytime

Double Shift

  • 16 hours daily
  • 112 hours weekly
  • 448 hours monthly
  • One-time Setup Fee – $49
  • White Labelling – $39 monthly (optional)
  • no contracts, cancel or downgrade anytime


  • 24 hours
  • 24 x 7
  • 720 hours monthly
  • One-time Setup Fee – $49
  • White Labelling – $39 monthly (optional)
  • no contracts, cancel or downgrade anytime


How does the service work?

Prior to allocating Live Agents to your project, we undertake a full audit of your requirements and any systems or processes we need to put in place to ensure we best represent you and your company.

We’ve developed a process to help us collate all the information agents will need to answer the queries of your website’s visitors correctly and efficiently. Please do take some time to go through the questions and provide detailed answers to each. The more information we have, the better equipped we will be to service your website visitors.

Why should I hire chat agents for my website?

Many businesses don’t have the staff available to have a representative ready to answer incoming chats at all hours of the day. When you hire our team of highly trained chat agents, your visitors will be able to chat with a real live person when you or your staff are unavailable. You can have our agents answer all incoming chats or keep you covered only when your staff is unavailable to answer. You set the schedule and we follow it!

What is the pricing for hiring live chat agents?

$0.95 an hour — 24×7-365 (720 hours a month) — $684/month
$1.10 an hour — Double-Shift (448 hours a month) — $470/month
$1.50 an hour — Single-Shift (224 hours a month) — $336/month

What if agents are unable to answer customers questions?

There will be times when our agents won’t know the answer to a question and we will need more information from you or your team.

In these cases, our agents are trained to get the name, email and phone number from the visitor and explain that we will follow up with them as soon as possible regarding their question or issue.

If the issue is urgent, we will contact you right away using the contact information you provided when signing up for the service. We can then add any information we learn during this process to the Knowledge Base for your site.

If the same issue or question arises in the future, our agents will be prepared with the proper answer. Our agents are trained to get the correct information to your visitors. We never guess the answer.

What hours are the chat agents available?

Our agents are always available to answer chats on your behalf. We never close. We provide live answering services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Do you charge for lead capture?

No, we never charge you for capturing a lead. We don’t charge on a per-lead basis. You only pay the flat monthly rates outlined on this page.

Where are the Chat Agents based?​

RapydChat is registered in the USA. We are a distributed team with remote team members in Pakistan, UAE and the Philippines.

Our chat agents are mainly recruited in Pakistan and are always recruited and vetted by RapydChat. We do not outsource our hiring.

We hire VAs from the Philippines, Pakistan and UAE for a number of very good reasons.

1. Reliability
2. Work Ethic
3. Cost
4. They are passionate, friendly and always prepared to meet and exceed expectations.

The majority of our team are university graduates with prior customer service experience.

Will I have a direct point of contact?

Absolutely. Our customer success team is available 24×7-365 and is always only a quick message away.

You will have direct access to the entire team via support@rapydchat.com or +1 (210) 775-2631, so you can provide ongoing feedback on how we are doing.

Convert Visitors into Customers